Alerts dashboard. |
Alerts with metadata. |
Audit or investigate a certain alert events with respect to common criteria such as Stamus Network Definitions, Networks, Ports, UserAgents, Domains, JA3s, JA3s etc.
Report of all Http user agents or source IPs for a certain alert.
CVE specific alerts dashboard. |
Alerts with metadata. |
Report and overview metadata from CVE centric Alert dashboard.
Report on all domains seen related to a CVE (Log4j for example).
List all IPs scanning or answering for certain CVE.
Executables hunt and metadata export dashboard. |
Alerts with metadata. |
Phishing specific alerts dashboard. |
Alerts with metadata. |
General events dashboard. |
Any log type. |
Protocol anomaly events dashboard. |
Anomaly events. |
TLS beacons dashboard. |
Beaconing events. |
DCERPC protocol events dashboard. |
DCERPC logs. |
DHCP protocol events dashboard. |
DHCP logs. |
DNP3 protocol events dashboard. |
DNP3 logs. |
DNS protocol events dashboard. |
DNS logs. |
Audit or report on NXDOMAINS and the source IPs requesting those
Audit or investigate on AAAA domains.
List DNS ttl usage.
Audit or investigate on TCP or UDP DNS usage.
SN-DNS-HUNT-Tunnel |
DNS tunnel detection and threat hunting dashboard. |
DNS logs. |
Report on and investigate on most DNS transactions per flow and the abusing hosts.
Report on and investigate on most and least domains used.
Report on and investigate on most subdomins.
SN-FILE-Transactions |
File transactions protocol events dashboard. |
Fileinfo, file transaction logs. |
Audit or investigate on file type/magic in the enterprise.
Audit or investigate on most protocols used for file transfer.
Audit or investigate on size breakdown of files transfer at off business hours.
Audit or investigate on most/least used public hosts for clear text transfer (aka http/ftp etc).
Audit or investigate on most/least used NFS/SMB files.
Generic FLOW records dashboard. |
Flow, netflow logs. |
Investigate on protocol breakdown of biggest flows.
Investigate on flows bigger than 1Gb,10Gb,100Gb, top talkers off/on business hours.
Audit or investigate on most used Port/Networks.
I want to hunt on flow data specifically.
HTTP flow records dashboard. |
Flow logs specific to HTTP. |
Larger DNS flows dashboard. Possible exfil. |
Flow logs specific to DNS. |
ICMP tunneling or exfil hunting dashboard. |
Flow logs specific to ICMP. |
Generic FLOW size based search dashboard. |
Flow logs. |
Investigate and report on flows sizes.
What are the top flow size talkers off business hours with flows bigger than 100GB
What are the top flow size talkers with flows bigger than 10GB
SMB flow records dashboard. |
Flow logs specific to SMB. |
Audit and report on SMB flows sizes.
What are the top SMB flow size talkers off business hours, from user networks with flows bigger than 1GB.
SSH flow records dashboard. |
Flow logs specific to SSH. |
Audit and report on SSH flows sizes.
What network hosts use SSH transfer bigger than 1GB off business hours.
What network hosts use SSH the most.
What network hosts use SSH the most from non IT management networks.
TCP flow records dashboard. |
Flow logs specific to TCP. |
Audit and report on TCP flows.
What are the top TCP flow size talkers off business hours with flows bigger than 1-20GB.
What are the top TCP flow size talkers with flows bigger than 200GB.
TLS flow records dashboard. |
Flow logs specific to TLS. |
Audit and report on TLS flows sources,destination networks and ports.
What are the top TLS flow size talkers off business hours with flows bigger than 1-20GB.
What are the most TLS flow sources during certain period of time.
What are the most TLS flow sources for specific TLS version.
UDP flow records dashboard. |
Flow logs specific to UDP. |
HTTP protocol events dashboard. |
HTTP logs. |
Audit or investigate on any HTTP field.
List of all User Agents in the organisation.
List of all HTTP Servers software in the network.
List of all HTTP host names and connections in the network.
HTTP protocol hunting dashboard. |
HTTP logs. |
Audit or investigate on HTTP rare occurrences of hostnames,User Agents etc.
Investigate on HTTP content lengths and method requests rom user networks.
All events hunting dashboard. IP or user search. |
TLS, HTTP, DNS, Flow, SMB, KRB, ICMP, File transaction logs. |
Investigate all protocol and file transaction data for a specific host over a specific time.
Incident response Audit or investigate on any protocol or alert field metadata for specific host.
Incident response
Audit connections and protocol usage from specific host or network for legacy app usage.
Generic IDS alerts timelion dashboard. |
Alert logs. |
SN-IKEv2 |
IKE protocol events dashboard. |
IKE logs. |
KRB5 protocol events dashboard. |
KRB5 logs. |
Audit or investigate on KRB5 protocol Encryption and message errors, user cnames and snames.
Audit and investigate KRB weak encryption occurrences.
MQTT protocol events dashboard. |
MQTT logs. |
NFS protocol events dashboard. |
NFS logs. |
SN-Network-Overview |
Network flow data overview dashboard. |
Flow logs. |
SN-Network-Overview-1 |
SN Probe Network flow data overview dashboard. |
Flow logs. |
SN-Network-Overview-2 |
Network flow data overview dashboard. |
Flow logs. |
Audit or investigate on top flow volume clients.
Audit or investigate on top flow volume servers.
Audit or investigate on top single flows sizes going out of the network.
General network overview dashboard. |
Any logs. |
Timeline based hunting by volume of transactions for DNS rtypes or NXDOMAINS.
Timeline of HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx.
Timeline of ICMP request/reply volumes.
Older or vulnerable TLS protocol encryption. |
TLS logs. |
SN-POLICY-Violations |
General Policy violations. |
Alert logs. |
Audit or investigate on clear text passwords.
Audit or investigate on known abused file sharing services.
Investigate and audit TOR connections present.
Investigate and report on external DNS resolvers.
Audit and report on vulnerable TLS protocol usage.
Post processing stats dashboard. |
Stats logs. |
RDP protocol events dashboard. |
RDP logs. |
RFB protocol events dashboard. |
RFB logs. |
Is RFB used in my network and where.
What VLAN uses RFB.
What RFB authentication type is used in my network.
List all RFB server security failures.
SIP protocol events dashboard. |
SIP logs. |
SMB protocol events dashboard. |
SMB logs. |
What are the SMB dialects offered and present in the network.
What are the most or least SMB filenames and shares used.
List of all SMB functions detected.
SN-SMB-DCERPC-Lateral-1 |
Stamus Networks Lateral Detection Dashboard |
SMB logs. |
Audit or investigate on UUID and OPNUM.
What are the most transactions per SMB/DCERPC flows.
Investigate status codes like SMB STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.
SMTP protocol events dashboard. |
SMTP logs. |
SNMP protocol events dashboard. |
SNMP logs. |
Audit or investigate on SNMP version usage.
What are the SNMP communities advertised and used in the network.
What are the vlans using SNMP the most.
SSH protocol events dashboard. |
SSH logs. |
Audit or investigate on SSH client or server software and version in the network.
What are the top or least SSH talkers in the network.
What are all the hosts that use specific SSH software.List of all SSH protocol events of those.
What are all the hosts that use specific SSH hash.
Declarations of Compromise dashboard. |
DoC logs. |
TFTP protocol events dashboard. |
TFTP logs. |
TLS protocol events dashboard. |
TLS logs. |
Audit or investigate on all TLS issuers in the network.
Audit all events and hosts that use a specific TLS certificate fingerprint.
Search for all TLS logs for a specific JA3/JA3S hash.
What are all the TLS versions seen on the network and from where.
Export and report on TLS connections not using port 443. What is using TLS port 18000.
SN-TrafficID |
Social media dashboard. |
Alert logs. |
VLAN dashboard. |
All logs. |
What are all vlans seen in the network.
What vlans have the most SSH or DNS connections.
What vlans have the most file transfers from SMB.
What vlans have the most file transfers from FTP.
What vlans have the most file transfers from HTTP.